quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015

Makeup is not just what you put on your face to hide a zit or isn't a  black line that you draw over your eyes. Makeup is a way to express ourselves, to enfatize the best parts of your face, to be able to show our feelings and emotions with a single colour. To be more presentable to many ocasions, to show you care, to show you don't care, to let them know you love yourself, and to let them see the you want to be loved.
Makeup is not just a lipstick and a mascara, it's much more than that, makeup is life. My life.

Sorry but today the post will be only in english (and it's a little bit short, I know). 
Feel free to comment.
Have a nice day! 

1 comentário:

  1. Olá minha querida
    Nomeei-te para Tag no meu blog.
    Beijinhos :) *

