sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2015

New Year, New Life

Fig. 1 - via we heart it

Happy 2015! So 2014 is over and we all can start over and do the things we want to do to became happier.
I loved 2014, it was one of the best years I had. It had ups and downs but the ups were really really good.
I want 2015 to be like 2014 but better, and my first resolution is to do more exercise, so I downloaded and app - 7 minutes of exercise (or something like that) and I'll use it (for start) once a week , that is a lot for me. My next resolution is to read more (I love to read and I read a lot, but I would like to read more). I saw a post on 9gag "2015 reading challenge" (fig. 2) , so I'll try that.
Another resolutions are: to write more, to be more pacient, don't argue with anybody and to do things that makes me happy. And also stay relaxed! 
I hope you all had an amazing 2014 and hope you have a better 2015. Start the year well, ok? :)
Fig. 2

Feliz 2015! Portanto 2014 acabou e podemos todos começar de novo e fazer as coisas que queremos fazer para sermos mais felizes.
Eu adorei 2014, foi um dos melhores anos que tive. Teve altos e baixos mas os altos foram muito bons.
Eu quero que 2015 seja igual a 2014 mas melhor, e a minha primeira resolução é fazer mais exercício, portanto eu fiz o download de uma aplicação - 7 minutos de exercicio (ou uma coisa assim) e eu vou usá-la (para começar) uma vez por semana, que já é muito para mim. A minha próxima resolução é ler mais (eu adoro ler e eu leio muito, mas gostava de ler mais). Eu vi um post no 9gag "2015 reading challenge" (fig. 2), portanto vou experimentar isso.
Outras resoluções são: escrever mais, ser mais paciente, não discutir com ninguém e fazer coisas que me façam feliz. E também estar relaxada!
Eu espero que todos vocês tenham tido um 2014 espetacular e espero que tenham um 2015 ainda melhor. Comecem bem o ano, ok? :)

6 comentários:

  1. Lovely New Year's resolutions! I'm going to try to read less books this years which sounds a bit odd, but I've been neglecting my schoolwork because I read to much. Haha, crazy but true! Good luck with the workouts as well! XX

  2. I just love that reading list. Can I take it from you? I sometimes have no idea what to read and this kind of things really help me out, as I LOVE to read. Love the post.


    1. Of corse you can take it from me , I take it from 9gag so it's not totally mine ;p
      who doesn't love to read, right ?

  3. Think I am going to download the 7 minutes of exercise app as well! Good luck with your resolutions!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. thanks :) if you have any resolutions good luck with yours !
